tigrennatenn's site
Hi there. I'm Maia and I make little pages for myself and my friends and family here. This page serves as an index to what's here, organized by general purpose.
Community building
- The Meetup Cookbook is a resource I wrote based on my experience running LessWrong meetups with my spouse for 8 years.
- Double Crux Helper is a script for pairing attendees at a Double Crux meetup, by having them take a quiz about their views and then matching people who disagree the most to have a conversation.
- Songs and recordings from DC Secular Solstices:
- DC Solstice 2021 is a list of songs we sang at the DC Secular Solstice in 2021, with links to example audio for each.
- DC Solstice 2022 is a list of songs we sang at the DC Secular Solstice in 2022, with links to example audio for each.
- DC Solstice 2023 is a list of songs we sang at the DC Secular Solstice in 2023, AND recordings of all the songs from the actual Solstice event.
- DC Solstice 2024 is a list of recordings of all the songs we sang that year.
- The Rationalist Haggadot Collection is an archive of ritual books for a secular/rationalist Passover seder.
- Stardew Valley Progress Tracker is a tool for tracking your progress on the Community Center bundles in the video game Stardew Valley. Helpful for doing speed runs.
- My Steven Universe watch guide. Get the main plot points of Season 1 in 4.5 hours; after that, watch all of it.
- Tux Stamp is a simplified version of Tux Paint that I made for my toddler. It only has stamps mode, and only the animal stamps, because every time he used Tux Paint, he kept accidentally hitting buttons that would take him away from animal stamps and animal stamps were really the only part he was interested in. Includes sound effects.
- TEAM Therapy Helper is an app I made to go with the book Feeling Great by David Burns. It helps to guide you through the self-therapy process-- it's basically an automated set of worksheets.